Introduction to WorkingPosture (Sitting Workshop) 8.30 am Sydney time

Sitting IS a health hazard according to 110,000 scientific articles on Google Scholar

This workshop by way of introduction to a full day WorkingPosture workshop  dealing with all the problems that come from sitting all day to work

We were never taught how to sit with flexibility NOT rigidity.

When we concentrate to do precise work we tend to tense up and this gradually worsens over the day ending up in pain, stiffness and stress.

Using neuroplastic lessons from WorkingPosture (based in Feldenkrais Method) I can teach you how to use your pelvis to align your spine so that the force of gravity and the work you are doing will be taken by your skeleton. This frees up your muscular tension and allows for more flexibility without losing any strength.  Instead of rigidity (most peoples habit) you will experience flexibility and co-ordination and ease. I can also show you how to make the most benefit from Loupes and how to sit on a saddle chair (requiring a different technique from a regular chair)


short powerpoint to explain how we create pain  in sitting all day at work and how to bring yourself out of this

There will be 2 awareness through movement lessons learning how to use your pelvis to align your spine and how to use spiral movement instead of twisting to turn and move in the chair.

The lessons are easy and pleasurable and your body will appreciate the difference


a piece of carpeted floor at least 2×3 metres to do one lesson and a flat seated chair or still with no arms.   Bring your office or clinic chair/stool to personalise the lessons.

You will need a camera (computer or webcam) so that I can see all the moves you make –to give feedback.

Class will be limited to 4 participants for personal attention




Bookings are closed for this event.